Spatial experience is an important concept for people to perceive, understand and interact with their environment and refers to the combination of the physical properties of space and people's perception and interaction processes. Users often associate their spatial experiences with their visual perception, but other senses play at least as important a role as visual perception in the experience of space. These experiences are influenced by visual elements such as the size, shape, colors and textures of the space, as well as auditory elements such as the sounds heard within the space. Sound is an important factor that determines the character, atmosphere and purpose of the space. For example, the acoustics of a space affect the overall experience of the space based on how sounds within it are echoed, absorbed, or transmitted and emitted.
Sound is an important element that shapes the atmosphere of a place and plays a decisive role in people's perception of the place. For example, high sound levels in a crowded bar may cause the place to be perceived as a lively and energetic environment, while low sound levels in a quiet library create a peaceful and calm atmosphere. Sound functions as a tool that influences the character of the space and the emotional responses of the users.
The exhibition "Look and Listen", exhibited at Sto Werkstatt gallery in London, is an important example that emphasizes acoustic experiences over spatial perception. The exhibit was designed by The Klassnik Corporation and offers visitors a variety of “sound experiences.” It highlights the impact of acoustic experience on spatial perception by offering a variety of experiences that encourage visitors to focus on the auditory aspects of architecture. The Klassnik Corporation creates unique spaces through the use of Sto's various acoustic systems, while also demonstrating the materials' ability to reduce reverberation and provide clear sound. In the exhibition, Sto's unique environments created using a variety of acoustic systems encourage visitors to focus on the auditory aspects of the architecture. These environments reflect the balance between design flexibility and technical leadership offered by acoustic materials and demonstrate the power of materials to establish the atmosphere of the space.
Relating spatial experience to different senses can help us gain a deeper understanding of the ways people perceive and understand their environment. In particular, sound experience is an important component of acoustic design and plays a critical role in determining the character and intended use of a space. On the other hand, it reveals the importance of acoustic design in architectural design. Works that draw from the experience of sound, such as his exhibition "Look and Listen" at the Sto Werkstatt gallery in London, allow people to explore more deeply how people feel and understand sound and enrich their spatial experience. Thus, it creates potential for alternative experiences for users who relate to the space with different sensory experiences.